Google travel continues to lead this pack in terms of keeping travelers informed during COVID-19. This new Google Alert feature is a much-needed addition to Google’s expanding role in the world of travel. Google already has a world-class site in Google Flights, Google Hotels, and Google Travel. These sites are some of the best places to start any travel search.
A Google Alert is likely not new to you if you’ve been in the travel game for some time. Simply click a few buttons a voila, you can track any number of flights to destinations around the world. Now, you can see in real-time what type of restrictions you are likely to see for your aspirational travel destination.
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How does the Google Alert for COVID-19 work?
So, here’s how the Google Alert works. Google your travel destination + hotels/flights and a notification pops up on your search results page. Say you want to travel to Greece. Google “Greece flights” and the Google Alert says “Negative COVID-19 test or 7-day quarantine required on arrival.” Click the link below the COVID-19 alert to be directed to everything you need to know.
The Google Alert works the same with flights. Google “Japan flights” and the notification says “Destination closed to entry. Exceptions may apply.” The link below the COVID-19 offers more information about the exceptions relevant to Japan travel.
What do you think of this travel alert? Do you think it will help you book travel? Please let me know in the comments or by sending me an email on my contact page.
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